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me on the mountains

aleksandra walczak

I am passionate about making complex tools easy to use, bringing value to both users and businesses. I can break down high technical complexity, influence stakeholders and deliver products using my creative, analytical and strategic skills.

In my previous life, I practised architecture, interior design, research, infographics and visual design. I’ve even studied computer science and played with generative design.

I also experiment with different methods, tools and emerging technology.

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my superpowers

systems thinking

I can navigate complex projects with lots of ambiguity. I see how my work connects to other systems, see all of the angles and think through possible use cases.


I am used to pitching my work to senior stakeholders and explaining design decisions across different audiences. I can communicate complex concepts clearly, adjusting the language to my audience.

cross-team collaboration

I identify and invite stakeholders to the design process early on, by running workshops, conducting SME interviews, and getting feedback on early ideas.

customer iq

I find innovative ways to approach users, even with no official research budget. I base my decisions on user research, usability testing and real-world data.

outside of work

When I am not designing, I try to spend a lot of time in nature. I fell in love with the Swiss Alps so you can find me there either hiking or snowboarding. I also practice yoga, read non-fiction stories and enjoy improv games.

5 facts about me:

  1. I lived in 6 different countries
  2. As part of a performance I've slept in a museum
  3. I've spent 2 weeks hitchhiking in Spain
  4. I designed flowers using mathematical equations
  5. I'm a beginner ramen cook

pictures of my interests