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pasta variations rendering

parametric pasta

With the help of George L. Legendre’s mathematical equations defining the shape of Italian pasta - conchiglie rigate, I created their 3D models.

Using the Python programming language inside the Grasshopper plug-in for Rhino 3D modeling software I added additional parameters to the form, like the intensity of grooving, what completely changes the appearance and creates fresh, unique and surprising shapes. Those can be easily adjusted playing with sliders for different parameters.

architectural studies
modeling and programming course
homework assignment
timeline: 6 days

equations of conchiglie rigate by george l. legendre

mathematical equations
Using the Python programming language I created this component with sliders to change the different parameters.
python component

The video below shows how the component works:

the code behind it

import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs
from math​ import pi, cos, sin, pow

point_list = []
polygon_list = []

for i in range(0, spiral + 1):
  for j in range(0, vertical + 1):
    alfa = grooves * 0.25 * sin(j * pi / 250) * cos((6 * j + 25) * pi / 25)
    beta = ((40 - i) / 40) * (0.3 + sin(j * pi / 250)) * pi
    gamma = bend * 2.5 * cos(j / 125 * pi) + 2 * pow(sin((40 - i) / 80 * pi), 10) * pow(sin(j / 250 * pi), 10) * sin(j / 125 * pi + 1.5 * pi)
    x = scale_xy * (alfa + cos(j / 125 * pi) + (5 + 30 * sin(j / 250 * pi)) * sin(beta) * sin(i / 40 * (0.1 * (1.1 + pow(sin(j / 250 * pi), 5))) * pi))
    y = scale_xy * (alfa + (5 + 30 * sin(j / 250 * pi)) * cos(beta) * sin(i / 40 * (0.1 * (1.1 + pow(sin(j / 250 * pi), 5))) * pi) + gamma)
    z = scale_z * 25 * cos((j / 250) * pi)
    point_list.append([x, y, z])

for i in range(0, spiral):
  for j in range(0, vertical):
    p0 = i * (vertical + 1) + j
    p1 = i * (vertical + 1) + j + 1
    p2 = (i + 1) * (vertical + 1) + j + 1
    p3 = (i + 1) * (vertical + 1) + j
    polygon_list.append([p0, p1, p2, p3])

rs.AddMesh(point_list, polygon_list)
conchiglie = ghdoc.Objects.Geometries

setting parameters

spiral render
spiral development
vertical render
vertical scaling
grooves render
grooves intensity
bending render

outcomes with different parameters

abstract render 1
abstract render 1
abstract render 1
abstract render 1
abstract render 1
abstract render 1